A.1.1. Documentation to clarify conceptual boundaries, research questions and hypotheses and relevant references.
A.1.2. Structuring research on thematic priorities with relevant dataset and research methodology.
A.1.3. Investigating the climate change risks from the global governance perspective.
A.1.4. Identification of determinants or consequences of climate change risk
A.2.1. Developing datasets for the influence of climate change risk on the macro situation and economic system security.
A.2.2. Identifying and analyzing the of macro determinants or consequences of climate change risk.
A.2.3. Structuring the specific investigation of the economic system security from a climate perspective.
A.3.1. Developing datasets for the climate change risk’s impacts on corporate environmental governance
A.3.2. Identification of corporate consequences of climate change risk
A.4.1. Research design related to the relationship between climate change risk and individual adaptive and mitigation behaviors.
A.4.2. Quantifying the link between climate and various stakeholders.
A.5.2. Participation at national and international scientific events in the fields of interest of the project.
A.5.3. Publication of articles and book chapters in order to maximize the project visibility in the scientific dedicated community.